You see, we had a mini Ohio meet-up yesterday (which was also my very first blogger get-together) and spent the afternoon with Kim from The Teacher Lane, Sarah from Sweet Times in 2nd Grade, and Amanda (who doesn't have a blog, but was in awe of all the technology she incorporates into her kindergarten classroom). I was apprehensive at first, but after 3 hours of talking I feel like I now have 4 new friends and some more blogs to stalk! (I stole this picture from Amanda).
Perhaps now I will go to the meet up this coming weekend in Cincinnati?

4 Shout-Outs:
looks like fun!!!
I really enjoyed it too, and I am thinking twice about heading to Cincinnati. It just seems so far, but I'm sure it would be an amazing time!
Bahahahahaha! The NKOTB reference totally cracked me up... but seriously... YOU are the rockstar! :) Come! Come! Come! We will have so much fun! I'm going down Friday night to get a hotel room so I don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn... because if I do... everyone will hate me. I am so not a morning person, and I would have to wake up way too early for that four hour drive if I leave Saturday. Let me know if you're going... email me! If you go, I'll give you my number so we can make sure we get there around the same time. You can be my security blanket! :) Kim.... you too!
I'm your newest follower! Glad I found you.
Buzzing with Ms. B
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