Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daily Five

We're pretty new to this whole uploading documents on blogs and it's taken us a while to figure out how to do it...But we think we've got it!

My new school is going to be using the Daily Five as a guide for our literacy instruction.  I've actually been using it for a few years now, but I've revamped some of my documents...And wanted to share them with you.  (These ideas were taken from the book!) 

Last school year I kept track of how long it took my kiddos to "Read to Self" and "Buddy Read" with the Stamina Graphs.  (I believe the book refers to "Buddy Reading" as "Partner Reading").  Each day we'd discuss our successes from the day before and try to read just a little bitter longer...At the end, we'd graph our results and talk about reasons why we did or didn't do better than the day before.  Steve and I also have poster templates for "Read to Self" and "Buddy Reading" on our website!  Check them out!

I recently make these Daily Five Reading Group Cards for the K-2 teachers at my school.  Since we are going to use Daily Five school-wide, we wanted something that would be consistent for the kids from year to year.  There are only five different literacy "centers" or "stations" (Word Work, Work on Writing, Read to Self, Buddy Reading, and Listen to Reading) so it's pretty easy to manage the cards.  I've also attached some other cards that have color words on them.  I name my reading groups by color and have corresponding book boxes for organization.  If you'd like more ideas on how I organize my reading groups, check out our Guided Reading Page!

I'm sure I'll be adding more Daily Five documents and ideas throughout the school year...Please feel free to share any Daily Five materials you have too!

3 Shout-Outs:

Anonymous said...

Love your Daily Five items! We are trying it this year in my school as well.
I'm in Ontario, Canada.

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous, thank you. We are starting the CAFE and Daily Five down here in Badger Creek Australia!!!

Anonymous said...

You have the cutest ideas! Thank you for sharing!

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