Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'm Sorry...

I know, I know! You are probably thinking something along the lines of...

It's been a LONG time since I've posted. I could whip up a list of a bazillion reasons why I've disappeared, but I'll save you time...I hope this cute kitten will make up for my slacking.

Please take this as my sincere apology for a month of nothing. I promise you, Steve and I have been back to work this summer working on the website...and just to prove it to you, here's a pic of him cluttering up my desk.

I finished up the 2011-2012 school year with some {good} news that next year I'll be leaving the classroom and sliding in to a K-2 Reading Intervention position. I'm pretty super-pumped about it...minus the fact that I have about 200 boxes of math manipulatives that I need to find a home for...I figured I throw some downloads at you this summer, seeing is how I'm not sure I'm going to have many in the upcoming school year.

Here's one that my kids always love (and I'm not really sure why?)...I printed a few sets of Domino Sorting Mats on different colored card stock so they could sort dominoes by their odd and even numbers. For struggling mathematicians, it's helpful to have them refer to anchor charts in the classroom!  

Even & Odd Domino Sort Freebie
I'll be back later this week with more! Bible.


  1. I'm so happy I found a Gifted blog. I'm in my last class to earn my gifted endorsement. I look forward to reading your future post. Please visit my blog Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I'm your newest follower! :)

  2. Congrats on your new job! Now this is me being really late to respond... but I'm glad you're excited! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  3. I m new at your blog and really like ,its a interesting and awesome keep sharing such kind of nice info i will keep visiting thanks.

  4. I am absolutely loving your blog! Is there any way to get these even and odd files? I worked with my 2nd graders on this concept this week and I was surprised how much they struggled. When I clicked on your link it takes to a part of scribd where I have to be a member and pay. If you are able to email these or load them another way I would be most appreciative. Thanks so much.
    - Sydney
