Team Schappelkins had a very busy day! We started off the morning by generating a list of questions that we wanted to ask The Turtle Lady. Mrs. J lead us in a group discussion and helped us think of things that'd help us narrow down our search for the perfect classroom pet.
When The Turtle Lady arrived, Team Appel was pretty disappointed to learn that turtles do not make good classroom pets! They can become very large, they are picky eaters, and they are stinky! (We crossed "turtles" off or potential pet list).
In the picture above, The Turtle Lady was able to make the boy turtle and the girl turtle kiss! (Ask your child how you can tell the difference between a male and a female!)
Miss Appel learned that turtles have the ability to make their heads stick out like snakes. Alligators are like to eat turtles, but alligators are afraid of snakes! Turtles pretend to be snakes to scare away the alligators. Pretty genius, right?
We were able to see some pretty cool frogs! When The Turtle Lady picked them up, we laughed because it looked like they were peeing on her, but it turns out it's just water! Frogs do that when they don't want to be touched. Miss A was disappointed to learn that frogs, like turtles, don't make good classroom pets!
This 'lil guy (or big guy I should say) was making a lot of noise in his bin when The Turtle Lady was talking about bearded lizards. When she lifted him up out of the bin, he received a standing ovation from the crowd!
I have a strange feeling that the next animal will win the hearts of Room 161! The bearded dragon...
We were able to walk around and pet most of the animals. First graders had a great time!
Kendall and I were really hoping for a turtle...I mean, how cute is this little guy????
Families, just a reminder that our "Class Pet Questionnaire" is due Monday, September 26th. We will be compiling our information that we receive and we will share our data with you. (Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas and willingness to donate animals and supplies for our future pet-mate!)